
An image out of focus is out of diagnosis. When performing colposcopy or Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA), it is essential that the cervix is clearly visible to diagnose and rule out any abnormalities of the cervix. In most patients, visualization is uncomplicated; while in patients who are overweight or experiencing issues such as vaginal atrophy, a full bladder, constipation, vaginal laxity can obstruct the clinician’s ability to view the entire cervix resulting in images that are fuzzy and unclear.

Here’s how to get clear images of the cervix

  1. While adjusting the position of the colposcope ensure that the cervix is at the center of the image and then zoom tuned in at 4x or 6x magnification for best results.
  2. At times a misplaced speculum can prevent the view of the cervix, you can gently position the speculum to improve the view. Most of the abnormalities detected on the cervix will not necessarily lead to cervical cancer, while a small percentage can eventually develop into cervical cancer primarily the ones with HPV infections.
  3. Regarding the light source of the colposcope make sure the positioning does not cast shadow on the cervix area which can result in poor image quality that is often blurred or pixelated. The Gyneye smart colposcope uses its built-in light source to capture clear images of the cervix for accurate diagnosis.

Images that are out of focus

4. Ensure whether your digital colposcope is correctly positioned, if you are having difficulty getting a clear image, you may need to adjust the magnification or point of focus. 5.

5. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the lens is clean and free of debris or smudges that can affect the clarity of the image.

Gyneye with built in medical grade camera captures high-resolution images with true color saturation by using periscope telephoto optical zoom coupled with LiDAR sensor for depth scanning techniques – keeping the device positioned within the prescribed range from the cervix to capture best-in-class images.

Steps with Gyneye portable colposcope

1. Turn on the light source as well as the device screen.

2. Check the device’s screen brightness; turn it into 100% brightness

3. Position the Gyneye device in a comfortable working distance from the cervix.

5. Ensure the cervix is properly positioned on the screen (Make sure the cervix is clean from obstructions, fluids and secretions.)   

6. Apply acetic acid and visualize the cervix per your protocol.

7. Adjust the focus until the image is clear.

The Gyneye digital colposcope is CE certified, includes a management application platform which is a unique secure cloud based clinical record system where you can document examination results by the application or the cloud clinical records. This product is uniquely engineered to work in both rural settings and in advanced integrated hospital environments for cervical cancer screening and detection of cervical cancer and help women live a cancer free life. Gyneye offers:

·        Telemedicine or virtual consultation

·        Online/offline app

·        Referral

·        Image management

·        Sync offline data to cloud

Contact us if you would like more information or have any questions about Gyneye smart colposcope

Email : gyneye@sujainfo.com Phone : +91 8886600888

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